Sunday, February 19, 2012

Taxing rich harms economy -- not so much

Some conservative commentators appear to be the victims of conservative think tank propaganda. It is common discussion that taxing the rich would detract from hiring. Lets get some things straight. “The rich” are paying taxes on income, or profit, if you will; not investment or operating expense. In fact, the best hedge against higher taxes may be to invest pre-tax income into increased business expense, such as production modernization, business expansion, marketing and...hiring.

Right now “the rich” are withholding some $2 trillion in investment capital as a hedge against the costs of borrowing and the potential of future business losses. Increasing the tax on gross personal income may help to shake some of that investment loose as a way of reducing taxable income for those “rich” who take their business profits as income. Wealthy people like, lets say Mitt Romney,  may find the creation of  privately held businesses and expansion, which produces hiring, as a hedge against showing a higher net income Very simply, tax policy can encourage simply moving personal income into corporate income that is taxed at a lower rate.

Lets try a little honesty in this debate over taxing “the rich”. Its not our job to protect the mega wealthy and it is not to the benefit of this economy to allow the growth of massive idle capital formation.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Syria - Who Let the Dog Get Loose?

I don’t understand our policy regarding Syria. We have taken a position in the past of protecting populations under direct attack by their own government. The UN resolution was vetoed by Russia and China, emboldening the bully dictator Assad to move troops, heavy armour and cannon against virtually unarmed civilian populations. And there is silence. Shouldn’t we be joining with the Arab League to drop humanitarian aid to those under attack? What a great diplomatic bonanza that would produce for the United States!
Wouldn’t it be wise to bring NATO and the Arab League into this to create an imminent threat of military intervention or support ala Libya for the free army? There are so many steps beyond sanctions and diplomatic withdrawal that can send a message short of actual direct military intervention. It is time to show moral leadership and stop the killing.