Thursday, January 22, 2015

Speaker Boehner's invitation violates his oath of office

John Boehner's invitation to Netanyahu was a prepared and a deliberate move to undermine the Presidency. Only the President is Constitutionally charged with the conduct of foreign policy with the advise and consent of Congress. Not the other way around. Speaker Boehner has violated his oath of office. Netanyahu is prepared and agreed to abet Speaker Boehner to disrespect the Presidency of this country.
President Obama and the State Department ought to advise Prime Minister Netanyahu that he is not welcome in the United States under these circumstances and there ought to be a threat to recall our ambassador and to expel Israel's ambassador if Netanyahu insists upon this path. Then there needs to be talks to heal the damage that has been done here by the Speaker and the interference with the protocols and policies of the United States by Israel’s Prime Minister.
Prime Minister Netanyahu faces elections. It may be that he expects that this power play with Boehner and against President Obama will win him stature and votes at home. Strengthening Prime Minister Netanyahu can only be prevented if his move results in embarrassment and consequences for Israel.