Sunday, October 21, 2012

It's a matter of integrity

It's a matter of integrity

I just can’t do it. President Obama has his weak points. At the outset, President Obama sought to work with Congress on a bipartisan basis and wasted a lot of time. In the end he could only accomplish anything by negotiating with those few Republicans willing to show some independence.

Once the Congress went to a Republican majority, they made it plain. The most extreme and intransigent bloc would determine Congressional strategy and that strategy was to place the best interests of the American people second to ensuring a single term for President Obama.

How many Americans suffered long term unemployment and how many remain unemployed in a slow recovery economy because this Congress refused to work with the President to produce a bipartisan jobs bill?

It comes down to a matter of integrity. It is Mitt Romney who is constantly challenged in the media for his lack of details in his policy statements. It is Mitt Romney who offers a childish estimate of the millions of jobs that he will create miraculously in his first six weeks in office. It is Mitt Romney constantly beset by fact checkers pointing out his misinformation, gaffs and disinformation. It is Mitt Romney who accepts the PAC and illegal 501C4 advertising by billionaires who clearly believe that they can buy self-serving public policy through a Romney administration. And who can forget that we saw all of this with the previous Bush administration?

President Obama may not have been perfect. Whether you agree with the political party affiliation, the ideology or even the style of the man, or not, makes no difference. He is not the man whose political posture and integrity is being questioned. I will have to go with Obama.

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